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"A Complaint of the Lungs"
Deep into the Grand Tour, Stanhope falls desperately ill. The doctors try to save him as the anxious father is reminded by the Ensemble of his threatening control of the boy. (This song has been substantially revised both in lyrics and music since this recording was made, but the listener can get on idea of its direction from the old recording.) Artists: John Gresh, Evan Taylor Walker, Kath Donnelly, Carolyn Smith, Vince Ventura. "I Can't Say a Word"
Love strikes hard when Stanhope and Eugenia meet in Rome, leaving them speechless. Artists: Hilary Caldwell, Stanley Graham "Why Should He Have To Know?"
Temporarily crushed by Eugenia's coldness in dismissing him in Rome, Stanhope suddenly sees the way ahead: he will pursue his beloved while keeping the pursuit a secret from the controlling father. But back in London, Chesterfield pursues his own agenda for his son. Artists: Justin Lonesome, Leon Zionts; keyboard, Douglas Levine. Recorded during live performance. "What Was the Question?"
Act 2. Called back to London, Stanhope is pushed into the House of Commons by Chesterfield, who thinks the role of an eloquent MP will smooth his son's way forward. But Stanhope is ill-equipped for public speaking and proves it on his first attempt as an MP. Artists: Michael Fuller, Vince Ventura, Lisa Ann Goldsmith, Eric James Davidson, Sara Fischer; piano, Nick Stamatakis. Recorded during workshop reading. |
"Just Breathe"
Eugenia is forced by her father's death to carve out a new life for herself, but her chaperone sees only unknown dangers ahead. For Eugenia, though, the clouds are lifting and the air is intoxicating. (This song has undergone substantial revision since the recording was made, but the recording still gives a good idea of it.) Artists: Madrid Vinarski, Lisa Ann Goldsmith; piano, Nick Stamatakis. Recorded during workshop reading. "I Am Yours"
After discovering Eugenia teaching in Hamburg, the site of his first diplomatic post, Stanhope daringly ignores all the signals emanating from London and proposes a secret marriage. Believing the delay in telling his lordship will be brief, Eugenia simply follows her heart. Artists: Hilary Caldwell, Stanley Graham. "Admit Me To Your Fireside"
As Chesterfield sees Stanhope depart for his new post in Germany, he sees loneliness surrounding him like the forlorn paintings on his walls. At the same time Stanhope and Eugenia are settling into family life abroad, a happy life that can't be shared with the lonely but overbearing father. Artists: Michael Fuller, Madrid Vinarski, Vince Ventura; piano, Nick Stamatakis. Recorded during workshop reading. "Chesterfield's Lament"
The news of Stanhope's death is bad enough. That he left behind a wife and two sons, completely unknown to his father leaves Chesterfield stunned and angry. Artists: Tim Hartman; piano, Michael Miller. |
Note: We'll update this page as new recordings are made, so please check back.